Saturday, July 11, 2009

Thanks Everyone! Looks like things are moving along.

Thank you all for your comments and facebook messages. Looks like things are coming along. Got my Grooms check list from this bridal book, and I am going to make sure I go down the list and cover the basic stuff.

I went wedding dress shopping for the first time a couple days ago. Well, I didn't really go. I just sat in a secluded area and read a book while my future wife and sister tried on dresses. They seemed to be excited about one dress in particular, maybe that will be the one. Mom's also got a chance to take the bride to be looking for dresses.

Hopefully, we will have a date and a venue in the next couple of weeks (The City will be Memphis). I'm super excited about that. Looks like we have a wedding planning assistant now too. Lord knows I need the help.

The game plan for now is to get the big stuff out of the way in the next couple of weeks Date, Venue, Guest List, Budget. Looking forward to keeping everyone in the loop.

Questions for you all....

1) How much do you think is too much for a wedding (including honeymoon)?

2) For the fellas, Bow tie, or neck tie?

3) Where are some good honey moon spots?????

4) Any other advice or suggestions is welcomed. This last go round helped out alot!

Thank you all,


  1. 1.) No one can give you that number exactly. What you should try and do is have a wedding you and the future Mrs. Richardson can be proud of, but remember that you will have a life after the wedding. It's always better to start off with something in the bank when you jump that broom. In general, catering will be the most expensive single item. It could be venue, but in Memphis, I'd venture to say it will be catering expense.

    2.) It could go either way. I'm a fan of the neck tie.

    3.) The focus here should be on what type of things you and Sheronda like. Meliha and I like beaches and hot weather, so we went to Los Cabos. I don't think you can go wrong with the Caribbean or south of the border if you want good weather. However, you might want to hang out in Europe and shop and check out points of historical significance. Oh yeah, S. Africa is absolutely gorgeous too!!

    4.) As always brother, feel free to give me a shout. You know the number.

  2. 1). You know is not an option. Go all out. You can't take it with you to the grave!

    2). Definitely neck tie, but men always loose out because tuxedos are so plain. If I were you, I would invest in a nice pair of cuff links and a watch/braclet so you can have a little "bling" too.

    3). Definitely somewhere warm with you both can be pampered, which is most likely a resort of some sorts. Just be creative and do something that you've never heard of anyone else doing.
